Tracholena sulfurosa (Meyrick, 1910)
Tracholena, host Callitris species, host Cupressus species, tunnelling in gall, tunnelling in bark
Tracholena micropolia (Turner, 1916)
Tracholena homopolia (Turner, 1945)
Tracholena, host female cone of Callitris endlicheri, host Callitris hugelii, cone borer, seed feeder
Tracholena hedraea Common, 1982
Tracholena, host Araucaria heterophylly, feeding on leaves under webbing of silk and faeces
Tracholena dialeuca Common, 1982
Tracholena, host Araucaria cunninghamii, reared from branches with leaves
Syncratus scepanus Common, 1965
Syncratus paroecus Common, 1965
Proselena tenella (Meyrick, 1910)
Proselena, host Bursaria spinosa, leaf miner, leaf excavator
Proselena annosana Meyrick, 1881
Palaeotoma styphelana Meyrick, 1881
Palaeotoma, host Eucalyptus galls, tunneling in gall
Epitrichosma phaulera (Turner, 1916)
Epitrichosma neurobapta Lower, 1908
Epitrichosma metreta Common, 1965
Epitrichosma luteola Diakonoff, 1974
Epitrichosma hesperia Common, 1965
Epitrichosma crymodes (Turner, 1916)
Epitrichosma ceramina Common, 1965
Epitrichosma anisocausta (Turner, 1916)
Diactenis tryphera Common, 1965
Cornuticlava spectralis Meyrick, 1912
Cornuticlava phanera Common, 1965
Cornuticlava aritrana Common, 1965